Non-Negotiables with the fabulous Katy Lassen

Katy Lassen is founder of Harbour & Tide. Katy is also a fashion stylist & Art Director

3 things you always have in the fridge

Something pickled - gherkins/onions/beetroot
Homemade teriyaki sauce
Vegan Hellmans 

When life is really busy, how do you carve space to maintain peace

As a mother and a business owner time and space is in short supply but I try to swim in the sea at least once a week all year round.  In the winter I need to really make myself go but I always feel better for it. Looking out towards France in the cold sea even for a few minutes makes me feel amazing. 

What is your ultimate indulgence that makes you more productive

The vegan chocolate cinnamon buns from Oast Bakery in Margate. I go early on a Thursday morning before I open the shop and just have half an hour with a coffee and a bun. I always feel like I have been kind to myself afterwards which gives me the boost I need. 

Top 3 apps

VSCO - filtering your photos make for really good consistency when it comes to branding. 
Shopify - I am always logged on whether it’s on the app or my browser. It’s my constant companion! 
Clue - knowing where I am in my cycle is really helpful for managing moods and knowing when I need to take it easy, get more sleep and be kind to myself -and also when I can really push myself at work or in the gym. 

What are your tips for staying organised
Making lists on really nice stationery! I have a range of planners by The Completist who make joyful stationery based in Peckham. It makes list making (and ticking off!) enjoyable. 

Go to comfort meal

Spaghetti Bolognese. It’s our house favourite and I am yet to taste one that’s better than my own! 

Thank you so much Katy!

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